Source code for _pytest.config.argparsing

import argparse
import sys
import warnings
from gettext import gettext
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

import py

from _pytest.config.exceptions import UsageError

FILE_OR_DIR = "file_or_dir"

[docs]class Parser: """ Parser for command line arguments and ini-file values. :ivar extra_info: dict of generic param -> value to display in case there's an error processing the command line arguments. """ prog = None def __init__(self, usage=None, processopt=None): self._anonymous = OptionGroup("custom options", parser=self) self._groups = [] # type: List[OptionGroup] self._processopt = processopt self._usage = usage self._inidict = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Optional[str], Any]] self._ininames = [] # type: List[str] self.extra_info = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] def processoption(self, option): if self._processopt: if option.dest: self._processopt(option)
[docs] def getgroup(self, name, description="", after=None): """ get (or create) a named option Group. :name: name of the option group. :description: long description for --help output. :after: name of other group, used for ordering --help output. The returned group object has an ``addoption`` method with the same signature as :py:func:`parser.addoption <_pytest.config.argparsing.Parser.addoption>` but will be shown in the respective group in the output of ``pytest. --help``. """ for group in self._groups: if == name: return group group = OptionGroup(name, description, parser=self) i = 0 for i, grp in enumerate(self._groups): if == after: break self._groups.insert(i + 1, group) return group
[docs] def addoption(self, *opts, **attrs): """ register a command line option. :opts: option names, can be short or long options. :attrs: same attributes which the ``add_option()`` function of the `argparse library <>`_ accepts. After command line parsing options are available on the pytest config object via ``config.option.NAME`` where ``NAME`` is usually set by passing a ``dest`` attribute, for example ``addoption("--long", dest="NAME", ...)``. """ self._anonymous.addoption(*opts, **attrs)
def parse(self, args, namespace=None): from _pytest._argcomplete import try_argcomplete self.optparser = self._getparser() try_argcomplete(self.optparser) args = [str(x) if isinstance(x, py.path.local) else x for x in args] return self.optparser.parse_args(args, namespace=namespace) def _getparser(self) -> "MyOptionParser": from _pytest._argcomplete import filescompleter optparser = MyOptionParser(self, self.extra_info, prog=self.prog) groups = self._groups + [self._anonymous] for group in groups: if group.options: desc = group.description or arggroup = optparser.add_argument_group(desc) for option in group.options: n = option.names() a = option.attrs() arggroup.add_argument(*n, **a) # bash like autocompletion for dirs (appending '/') # Type ignored because typeshed doesn't know about argcomplete. optparser.add_argument( # type: ignore FILE_OR_DIR, nargs="*" ).completer = filescompleter return optparser def parse_setoption(self, args, option, namespace=None): parsedoption = self.parse(args, namespace=namespace) for name, value in parsedoption.__dict__.items(): setattr(option, name, value) return getattr(parsedoption, FILE_OR_DIR)
[docs] def parse_known_args(self, args, namespace=None) -> argparse.Namespace: """parses and returns a namespace object with known arguments at this point. """ return self.parse_known_and_unknown_args(args, namespace=namespace)[0]
[docs] def parse_known_and_unknown_args( self, args, namespace=None ) -> Tuple[argparse.Namespace, List[str]]: """parses and returns a namespace object with known arguments, and the remaining arguments unknown at this point. """ optparser = self._getparser() args = [str(x) if isinstance(x, py.path.local) else x for x in args] return optparser.parse_known_args(args, namespace=namespace)
[docs] def addini(self, name, help, type=None, default=None): """ register an ini-file option. :name: name of the ini-variable :type: type of the variable, can be ``pathlist``, ``args``, ``linelist`` or ``bool``. :default: default value if no ini-file option exists but is queried. The value of ini-variables can be retrieved via a call to :py:func:`config.getini(name) <_pytest.config.Config.getini>`. """ assert type in (None, "pathlist", "args", "linelist", "bool") self._inidict[name] = (help, type, default) self._ininames.append(name)
class ArgumentError(Exception): """ Raised if an Argument instance is created with invalid or inconsistent arguments. """ def __init__(self, msg, option): self.msg = msg self.option_id = str(option) def __str__(self): if self.option_id: return "option {}: {}".format(self.option_id, self.msg) else: return self.msg class Argument: """class that mimics the necessary behaviour of optparse.Option it's currently a least effort implementation and ignoring choices and integer prefixes """ _typ_map = {"int": int, "string": str, "float": float, "complex": complex} def __init__(self, *names, **attrs): """store parms in private vars for use in add_argument""" self._attrs = attrs self._short_opts = [] # type: List[str] self._long_opts = [] # type: List[str] self.dest = attrs.get("dest") if "%default" in (attrs.get("help") or ""): warnings.warn( 'pytest now uses argparse. "%default" should be' ' changed to "%(default)s" ', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) try: typ = attrs["type"] except KeyError: pass else: # this might raise a keyerror as well, don't want to catch that if isinstance(typ, str): if typ == "choice": warnings.warn( "`type` argument to addoption() is the string %r." " For choices this is optional and can be omitted, " " but when supplied should be a type (for example `str` or `int`)." " (options: %s)" % (typ, names), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4, ) # argparse expects a type here take it from # the type of the first element attrs["type"] = type(attrs["choices"][0]) else: warnings.warn( "`type` argument to addoption() is the string %r, " " but when supplied should be a type (for example `str` or `int`)." " (options: %s)" % (typ, names), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4, ) attrs["type"] = Argument._typ_map[typ] # used in test_parseopt -> test_parse_defaultgetter self.type = attrs["type"] else: self.type = typ try: # attribute existence is tested in Config._processopt self.default = attrs["default"] except KeyError: pass self._set_opt_strings(names) if not self.dest: if self._long_opts: self.dest = self._long_opts[0][2:].replace("-", "_") else: try: self.dest = self._short_opts[0][1:] except IndexError: raise ArgumentError("need a long or short option", self) def names(self): return self._short_opts + self._long_opts def attrs(self): # update any attributes set by processopt attrs = "default dest help".split() if self.dest: attrs.append(self.dest) for attr in attrs: try: self._attrs[attr] = getattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: pass if self._attrs.get("help"): a = self._attrs["help"] a = a.replace("%default", "%(default)s") # a = a.replace('%prog', '%(prog)s') self._attrs["help"] = a return self._attrs def _set_opt_strings(self, opts): """directly from optparse might not be necessary as this is passed to argparse later on""" for opt in opts: if len(opt) < 2: raise ArgumentError( "invalid option string %r: " "must be at least two characters long" % opt, self, ) elif len(opt) == 2: if not (opt[0] == "-" and opt[1] != "-"): raise ArgumentError( "invalid short option string %r: " "must be of the form -x, (x any non-dash char)" % opt, self, ) self._short_opts.append(opt) else: if not (opt[0:2] == "--" and opt[2] != "-"): raise ArgumentError( "invalid long option string %r: " "must start with --, followed by non-dash" % opt, self, ) self._long_opts.append(opt) def __repr__(self) -> str: args = [] # type: List[str] if self._short_opts: args += ["_short_opts: " + repr(self._short_opts)] if self._long_opts: args += ["_long_opts: " + repr(self._long_opts)] args += ["dest: " + repr(self.dest)] if hasattr(self, "type"): args += ["type: " + repr(self.type)] if hasattr(self, "default"): args += ["default: " + repr(self.default)] return "Argument({})".format(", ".join(args)) class OptionGroup: def __init__(self, name, description="", parser=None): = name self.description = description self.options = [] # type: List[Argument] self.parser = parser def addoption(self, *optnames, **attrs): """ add an option to this group. if a shortened version of a long option is specified it will be suppressed in the help. addoption('--twowords', '--two-words') results in help showing '--two-words' only, but --twowords gets accepted **and** the automatic destination is in args.twowords """ conflict = set(optnames).intersection( name for opt in self.options for name in opt.names() ) if conflict: raise ValueError("option names %s already added" % conflict) option = Argument(*optnames, **attrs) self._addoption_instance(option, shortupper=False) def _addoption(self, *optnames, **attrs): option = Argument(*optnames, **attrs) self._addoption_instance(option, shortupper=True) def _addoption_instance(self, option, shortupper=False): if not shortupper: for opt in option._short_opts: if opt[0] == "-" and opt[1].islower(): raise ValueError("lowercase shortoptions reserved") if self.parser: self.parser.processoption(option) self.options.append(option) class MyOptionParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def __init__(self, parser, extra_info=None, prog=None): if not extra_info: extra_info = {} self._parser = parser argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__( self, prog=prog, usage=parser._usage, add_help=False, formatter_class=DropShorterLongHelpFormatter, allow_abbrev=False, ) # extra_info is a dict of (param -> value) to display if there's # an usage error to provide more contextual information to the user self.extra_info = extra_info def error(self, message): """Transform argparse error message into UsageError.""" msg = "{}: error: {}".format(self.prog, message) if hasattr(self._parser, "_config_source_hint"): msg = "{} ({})".format(msg, self._parser._config_source_hint) raise UsageError(self.format_usage() + msg) def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): """allow splitting of positional arguments""" args, argv = self.parse_known_args(args, namespace) if argv: for arg in argv: if arg and arg[0] == "-": lines = ["unrecognized arguments: %s" % (" ".join(argv))] for k, v in sorted(self.extra_info.items()): lines.append(" {}: {}".format(k, v)) self.error("\n".join(lines)) getattr(args, FILE_OR_DIR).extend(argv) return args if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 9): # pragma: no cover # Backport of so we can # disable long --argument abbreviations without breaking short flags. def _parse_optional(self, arg_string): if not arg_string: return None if not arg_string[0] in self.prefix_chars: return None if arg_string in self._option_string_actions: action = self._option_string_actions[arg_string] return action, arg_string, None if len(arg_string) == 1: return None if "=" in arg_string: option_string, explicit_arg = arg_string.split("=", 1) if option_string in self._option_string_actions: action = self._option_string_actions[option_string] return action, option_string, explicit_arg if self.allow_abbrev or not arg_string.startswith("--"): option_tuples = self._get_option_tuples(arg_string) if len(option_tuples) > 1: msg = gettext( "ambiguous option: %(option)s could match %(matches)s" ) options = ", ".join(option for _, option, _ in option_tuples) self.error(msg % {"option": arg_string, "matches": options}) elif len(option_tuples) == 1: (option_tuple,) = option_tuples return option_tuple if self._negative_number_matcher.match(arg_string): if not self._has_negative_number_optionals: return None if " " in arg_string: return None return None, arg_string, None class DropShorterLongHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): """shorten help for long options that differ only in extra hyphens - collapse **long** options that are the same except for extra hyphens - special action attribute map_long_option allows suppressing additional long options - shortcut if there are only two options and one of them is a short one - cache result on action object as this is called at least 2 times """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Use more accurate terminal width via pylib.""" if "width" not in kwargs: kwargs["width"] = super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _format_action_invocation(self, action): orgstr = argparse.HelpFormatter._format_action_invocation(self, action) if orgstr and orgstr[0] != "-": # only optional arguments return orgstr res = getattr(action, "_formatted_action_invocation", None) if res: return res options = orgstr.split(", ") if len(options) == 2 and (len(options[0]) == 2 or len(options[1]) == 2): # a shortcut for '-h, --help' or '--abc', '-a' action._formatted_action_invocation = orgstr return orgstr return_list = [] option_map = getattr(action, "map_long_option", {}) if option_map is None: option_map = {} short_long = {} # type: Dict[str, str] for option in options: if len(option) == 2 or option[2] == " ": continue if not option.startswith("--"): raise ArgumentError( 'long optional argument without "--": [%s]' % (option), self ) xxoption = option[2:] if xxoption.split()[0] not in option_map: shortened = xxoption.replace("-", "") if shortened not in short_long or len(short_long[shortened]) < len( xxoption ): short_long[shortened] = xxoption # now short_long has been filled out to the longest with dashes # **and** we keep the right option ordering from add_argument for option in options: if len(option) == 2 or option[2] == " ": return_list.append(option) if option[2:] == short_long.get(option.replace("-", "")): return_list.append(option.replace(" ", "=", 1)) action._formatted_action_invocation = ", ".join(return_list) return action._formatted_action_invocation