_pytest.helpconfig module

version info, help messages, tracing configuration.

class HelpAction(option_strings, dest=None, default=False, help=None)[source]

Bases: argparse.Action

This is an argparse Action that will raise an exception in order to skip the rest of the argument parsing when –help is passed. This prevents argparse from quitting due to missing required arguments when any are defined, for example by pytest_addoption. This is similar to the way that the builtin argparse –help option is implemented by raising SystemExit.

for ... in pytest_cmdline_parse() → Generator[source]
showversion(config: _pytest.config.Config)None[source]
pytest_cmdline_main(config: _pytest.config.Config) → Optional[Literal[0]][source]
showhelp(config: _pytest.config.Config)None[source]
getpluginversioninfo(config: _pytest.config.Config) → List[str][source]
pytest_report_header(config: _pytest.config.Config) → List[str][source]