_pytest.monkeypatch module

monkeypatching and mocking functionality.

for ... in monkeypatch()[source]

The returned monkeypatch fixture provides these helper methods to modify objects, dictionaries or os.environ:

monkeypatch.setattr(obj, name, value, raising=True)
monkeypatch.delattr(obj, name, raising=True)
monkeypatch.setitem(mapping, name, value)
monkeypatch.delitem(obj, name, raising=True)
monkeypatch.setenv(name, value, prepend=False)
monkeypatch.delenv(name, raising=True)

All modifications will be undone after the requesting test function or fixture has finished. The raising parameter determines if a KeyError or AttributeError will be raised if the set/deletion operation has no target.

for ... in monkeypatch_session(request)[source]

Experimental (https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/363).

annotated_getattr(obj, name, ann)[source]
derive_importpath(import_path, raising)[source]
class Notset[source]

Bases: object

class MonkeyPatch[source]

Bases: object

Object returned by the monkeypatch fixture keeping a record of setattr/item/env/syspath changes.

with context() → Generator[MonkeyPatch, None, None][source]

Context manager that returns a new MonkeyPatch object which undoes any patching done inside the with block upon exit:

import functools
def test_partial(monkeypatch):
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        m.setattr(functools, "partial", 3)

Useful in situations where it is desired to undo some patches before the test ends, such as mocking stdlib functions that might break pytest itself if mocked (for examples of this see #3290.

setattr(target, name, value=<notset>, raising=True)[source]

Set attribute value on target, memorizing the old value. By default raise AttributeError if the attribute did not exist.

For convenience you can specify a string as target which will be interpreted as a dotted import path, with the last part being the attribute name. Example: monkeypatch.setattr("os.getcwd", lambda: "/") would set the getcwd function of the os module.

The raising value determines if the setattr should fail if the attribute is not already present (defaults to True which means it will raise).

delattr(target, name=<notset>, raising=True)[source]

Delete attribute name from target, by default raise AttributeError it the attribute did not previously exist.

If no name is specified and target is a string it will be interpreted as a dotted import path with the last part being the attribute name.

If raising is set to False, no exception will be raised if the attribute is missing.

setitem(dic, name, value)[source]

Set dictionary entry name to value.

delitem(dic, name, raising=True)[source]

Delete name from dict. Raise KeyError if it doesn’t exist.

If raising is set to False, no exception will be raised if the key is missing.

setenv(name: str, value: Optional[str], prepend: Optional[str] = None)None[source]

Set environment variable name to value. If prepend is a character, read the current environment variable value and prepend the value adjoined with the prepend character.

A value of None unsets it, which is useful as a shortcut with parametrization.

delenv(name: str, raising: bool = True)None[source]

Delete name from the environment. Raise KeyError if it does not exist.

If raising is set to False, no exception will be raised if the environment variable is missing.

mockimport(mocked_imports: Union[str, Sequence[str]], err: Union[function, Type[BaseException]] = <class 'ImportError'>)None[source]

Mock import with given error to be raised, or callable.

The callable gets called instead of __import__().

This is considered to be experimental.


Prepend path to sys.path list of import locations.


Change the current working directory to the specified path. Path can be a string or a py.path.local object.


Undo previous changes. This call consumes the undo stack. Calling it a second time has no effect unless you do more monkeypatching after the undo call.

There is generally no need to call undo(), since it is called automatically during tear-down.

Note that the same monkeypatch fixture is used across a single test function invocation. If monkeypatch is used both by the test function itself and one of the test fixtures, calling undo() will undo all of the changes made in both functions.